Vortex Shmortex

Posted by admin on January 15, 2014

Hey Friends! Can you believe how crazy winter has been this year? All these polar vortexes and arctic blasts are really taking their toll. • Parts of Canada and the northeastern US were blanketed with up to 2ft (60cm) of snow in just a matter of days. • More… Read the rest of this entry »

The Chill Factor

Posted by admin on December 16, 2013

I don’t know why, but it seems like this time of year getting out of bed is so much harder than it usually is. The cooler air might make getting out from under the covers much less attractive than sleeping in, but the world doesn’t stop turning just because winter… Read the rest of this entry »

Road Tripping

Posted by admin on November 1, 2013

It’s November—the busiest travel month of the year. We all know how important it is to keep everyone safe on those long road trips, but not all of us know how. I want to make sure as many people make it home safely as possible. So whether you’re traveling near… Read the rest of this entry »

The Game Of Life

Posted by admin on October 2, 2013

October is here and we all know what that means…baseball playoffs. Even if you’re not the biggest fan out there, as long as you don’t live under a rock you’re gonna hear about who wins the World Series sooner or later. It doesn’t matter if you’ve played, watched, don’t care… Read the rest of this entry »

The Story Of Uncle Sam

Posted by admin on September 6, 2013

Hey Folks! September is a time for celebration and remembrance. Either way you slice it, it’s one month that reminds me every year why I’m proud to be an American. I can just imagine Uncle Sam smiling down on us as summer ends and the air starts to cool. Read the rest of this entry »

Have a Good Fall, Y’all!

Posted by admin on August 27, 2013

So who’s ready for a nice glass of ice-cold lemonade? How about another barbeque? A trip to the beach? Not so much, eh? As much as we love the outdoor activities and flavors of summer, when fall swings around they just don’t appeal to us as much. Maybe it’s the… Read the rest of this entry »

Yellow Bus Rides Again

Posted by admin on August 8, 2013

It’s back-to-school for thousands of local children, and it’s making me a bit nostalgic for my own school days. Sometimes I wish I could hop right back on that yellow bus and head back to school right along with the kids. But being a grown-up has some serious advantages. We… Read the rest of this entry »

Cold Drinks, Treats & Eats

Posted by admin on July 2, 2013

Hip, hip, hooray! July’s a month of fun and frolic. The kids are out of school. The calendar’s chocked full of activity. Parades and picnics abound. Vacation is either right around the corner, or already a fantastic memory. And really the only hitch in this whole blissful season is, it’s… Read the rest of this entry »

Let’s Go To The Movies

Posted by admin on June 3, 2013

Summertime and movies go together like bread and butter—you can’t have one without the other. When the temperature rises, people everywhere flock to the movies to escape the heat and enjoy the best Hollywood has to offer. And I’m no exception. Can’t wait to find another really good movie to… Read the rest of this entry »

Off To The Races

Posted by admin on May 3, 2013

It’s the time when everyone and anyone that has anything to do with horse racing heads to Louisville to enjoy the one and only Kentucky Derby—one of the most incredible sporting events of the year.  … Read the rest of this entry »

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