
Posted by admin on February 1, 2013

It’s that extraordinary time of year again!!!! A time for fun and frolic and drumroll please . . . FOOTBALL. Yes, folks, Super Bowl Sunday is this weekend and I don’t know about you, but I’m ready to party! Sure, it’d be great to be going to the Big… Read the rest of this entry »

Ready, Set, GOAL!

Posted by admin on January 15, 2013

Happy NEW Year! There’s something invigorating about a new year. A fresh start. A blank page. The chance to make a change. The opportunity to make this year better than the last. Kind of like the first day of school all over again. With all the holiday decorations put away,… Read the rest of this entry »

Make It A Happy New Year

Posted by admin on December 20, 2012

2013 is right around the corner now. Scary how fast time goes by—I must be having more fun than I realize! Either that or I’m just getting old. All in all, it’s been a banner year around here. I helped lots of people drive a nicer, newer car in 2012… Read the rest of this entry »

Gobble. Gobble. Gobble It Up!

Posted by admin on November 12, 2012

Some people tell fish tales. Other people, well they tell tall tales. Me, I’m ready to talk turkey tales. After all, Thanksgiving is right around the corner and turkey talk is welcome conversation this time of year. So how do you prepare the perfect turkey on Thanksgiving Day? What is… Read the rest of this entry »


Posted by admin on October 12, 2012

November 6 is quickly approaching and you know what that means! No, it doesn’t mean you only have a few weeks to bust out your turkey basters and best pumpkin recipes, although that in and of itself is a very important matter (I’ll talk turkey on my next post). No… Read the rest of this entry »

Fantastic Fall

Posted by admin on September 7, 2012

Labor Day is here! For me that means the end of summer and the beginning of my favorite season, fall. September brings good things. Happy things. Fall things. With the first cool, crisp breeze arrives that feeling of anticipation . . . tailgates, pumpkin patches, tricks and treats… Read the rest of this entry »

So Long Summer

Posted by admin on August 6, 2012

So Long Summer Time marches on and summer is fast slipping away. Goodbye lazy days of summer; hello crazy days of back to school, back to work and back to business. I hope all of you enjoyed a vacation, a siesta or at the very least a sleepy Sunday spent… Read the rest of this entry »

Car Dealer Prescribes Vacation Rx

Posted by admin on July 27, 2012

Have you ever felt like you needed a vacation from your vacation? I sure have. I don’t know what it is but somehow my vacations always leave me exhausted. Perhaps it’s the way I throw caution to the wind and eat as though I only have another day to live. Read the rest of this entry »

Explosive 4th of July

Posted by admin on July 1, 2010

Can you believe it has been 240 years since our Founding Fathers gave us our National Birth Certificate? We are still the longest on-going Constitutional Republic in the world. Congress voted to approve the separation from Great Britain on July 2, 1776. John Hancock and Charles Thompson signed the Declaration… Read the rest of this entry »

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