Make It A Happy New Year

Posted by admin on December 20, 2012

2013 is right around the corner now. Scary how fast time goes by—I must be having more fun than I realize! Either that or I’m just getting old. All in all, it’s been a banner year around here. I helped lots of people drive a nicer, newer car in 2012 and am looking forward to a repeat performance in 2013.

Let’s just say that I’m pretty excited about New Years this year. Now the trick is finding something (or someone) really special to ring in the New Year with. Actually my choice is already made so the real question is, whom are you spending the holiday with?

Here are a few tips on how to make this New Years one for the record books! Sure, we all can’t spend New Years at the Ritz drinking champagne and eating caviar but you can make it so you don’t wind up looking for a tree to kiss at midnight, or even worse, wake up to a mound of depression on January 1, 2013!


Are you married? You can skip down to the end because your decision is already made. Spending New Years with your spouse is a no brainer! But why not take it up a notch this year? Surprise your significant other with a gift or an upcoming trip at midnight. Make it one that he or she will never forget. Get your romantic juices flowing. New Years is the perfect time to be spectacular and there isn’t anyone on the planet that deserves it more than the person who puts up with you all year. Can I get an amen? You know it’s true!


If you are single, decide whom you would most like to spend New Years with now. Don’t wait until the morning of to make plans. This strategy could backfire. Book travel tickets now. Get your party planned so that you won’t be scrambling at the last minute. Try the dating sites, ask friends for hook-ups . . . start exploring your options now because as you know, sometimes you have to kiss a lot of frogs to find a prince (or princess). If all else fails, call your best friend now and plan to spend December 31st together.


Nothing to do and no one in particular to spend this holiday with? One answer is to play host. Plan a New Years party that people will want to come to. Get commitments now before social calendars fill up. Then take time to really think out how to make your party fabulous. Pay attention to details, especially the music and atmosphere. Make it feel like a special occasion. New Years isn’t the time to scrimp on food and decorations. It’s the time to roll out your best. After all, you want your friends and family to come back next year, don’t you?


So you don’t want to throw a party? Don’t have a spouse? And don’t want to date anyone at this moment? Here’s an idea: go somewhere exotic for New Years. If you’ve got the budget, you can spend this New Year snorkeling in the Caribbean or skiing in Vail? Why not take a New Years cruise? Hit Times Square or Rio de Janeiro. It’s hard to be depressed when you are on the go and in new surroundings so this strategy is a good way to keep your mind focused on the blessings of the past year. Who knows? You may even meet someone special while you are there. You may never come back.


This is for all of you who choose not to practice tip 1 though 4. So if you don’t want to party, travel or snuggle on New Years, you have a couple of choices left. Stay home, ignore the holiday, or watch New Years celebrations on the tube. Or why not spend the night in deep planning mode for 2013. Take the evening to do soul searching. Figure out what you want to achieve in 2013, and then make detailed plans on how to execute your plans.

So happy, happy New Year to all of you! Thank you for making my 2012! I couldn’t have done it without you! I’ll be toasting to all of you at midnight. And many more!

Hope this message helps to ensure that New Years Eve 2013 leaves you with a smile on your face. Wink, wink!

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