20 Things You Should Do In 2020

Posted by admin on January 2, 2020

It seems like every January I make a New Year’s resolution, and two weeks later I’ve already given up on it. That’s why instead of making a resolution I have no intention of keeping this year, I’m making a list of things I want to do to start the year off right. Here’s what I came up with:


  1. Go out to eat somewhere new.
  2. Write or catch up with an old friend.
  3. Go see a movie.
  4. Look through old pictures.
  5. Pick up a new hobby.
  6. Read a book
  7. Plan a vacation or staycation.
  8. Re-organize a room.
  9. Set goals for the year.
  10. Volunteer.
  11. Get a houseplant.
  12. Cook a new meal at home.
  13. Finish an old project.
  14. Start a new project.
  15. Go to the doctor for my annual checkup.
  16. Write a thank you note.
  17. Do something nice for someone.
  18. Listen to a new music genre.
  19. Watch a documentary.
  20. Subscribe to a “of the month” box or club.


I hope one or more of these ideas inspires you to get the new year started on the right foot. Now I want to wish you and your family a happy and healthy New Year.  

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