Make The Most Of May

Posted by admin on May 3, 2016

Wow! It’s already May! Can you believe it? I sure can’t. It seems like every year, time goes by faster and faster.


I love the hustle of getting things done both at work and at home. But sometimes it’s good to slow down and make sure that life isn’t passing you by. Here are my top five tips for making the most of May, or any other month for that matter.


  • Carve Out Time For Creativity

Have you ever had that feeling where you’re “in the zone” and time just seems to slow down around you and you end up on the other end of the project completely energized? Taking time for creativity has an invigorating effect. So make sure you carve out time for work where you can be creative or feel inspired.

  • Slow Down

Everyone’s experienced a busy day at work, where time seems to fly by and you feel like you’ll never have enough hours in the day to get everything done. When your life starts to speed up, one of the best things you can do for your health is take a few steps back and slow down.  Otherwise, you might blink and have missed everything.

  • Get Some R and R

One of the reason’s the time may seem to speed up all on its own is because of the hectic lives we all lead. Make sure you leave room for down time. Relaxing with family and friends will do you and your body good.

  • Don’t Over-Schedule

Sometimes the greatest stress reliever is spontaneity. Leave ample time to escape the routine of the day-to-day, so you can return to your routine calmer and happier.

  • Practice Mindfulness

Often, the very act of taking a few moments to appreciate what is going on around you is enough to slow time down and create a memory. By practicing mindfulness, you train yourself to notice the special moments in life, so they don’t slip past you.


Gandhi once said that, “there is more to life than increasing its speed.” Make sure it doesn’t pass you by. Take life by the reins and make the most out of every day.

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